Embracing the Power of Consistency in Your Fitness Routine
The secret formula for a healthier life - consistency in your fitness routine!
Elevate Your Healthy Lifestyle: 10 Habits for a Thriving Life Beyond the Gym
At Findlay Movement, we believe that true health and fitness extends beyond gym walls. I’m excited to share ten healthy habits you can embrace outside of the gym to elevate your overall well-being. Let's dive in!
Alcohol Effects
“Alcohol is the only drug where if you don’t do it, people think you have the problem.”
Alcohol is a squirrely topic. What I mean by that is it’s not something people like to discuss with me as a health practitioner or coach. This is why I feel the need to make it clear to you as the reader that I am not demonizing you for drinking and I’m not demonizing alcohol itself. For one that would be hypocritical of me, I do drink. I’m also not here to be authoritative and hyper critical of your life choices in hopes to eradicate them. That's dogma not science. I am someone who loves to research, it’s an actual hobby of mine and a requirement for my job.
Mental Health Is Just Health
What we eat, if we move, how well we sleep, who/what we spend our time with/on, and what we tell ourselves all contributes to our Health. You cannot be healthy without all of those issues being addressed. The mental side of health has been neglected and we are now suffering the consequences of that as a society. But ultimately it's just been our Health that we have been neglecting.