Words Matter
What you say about your self matters. Breaking the chain of negative self-talk and self-depreciation is challenging and requires conscious effort. However, making small, consistent improvements adds up over time.
The Protein Playbook
While there’s much debate over protein sources, from a biochemistry standpoint, animal protein tends to be more beneficial for humans. We’re not dismissing plant proteins—they have their place—but they’re just not as complete. Let’s not get bogged down in that debate right now.
The protein leverage hypothesis illustrates why protein is so vital. If you’re not getting enough, your body cranks up hunger hormones, compelling you to eat more until you’ve met your protein quota. Also revealing that calories are not the most important part of your diet but rather what those calories are made of is.
All Recovery is Active
First off, recovery is how we get fitter. We actually tear our body down during the workout so that it can rebuild itself a little stronger each time. What that means is that recovery is where improvement happens and therefore just as important as doing the workouts. I want to tell a story about one of my recent experiences with recovery.
Stressful Stumbles: My Experience and The Science of Bouncing Back.
When we experience stress, the body releases cortisol to prepare for action – this can be beneficial for creativity or a quick response to danger. However, chronic stress, especially when it's internally driven (like in cases of cPTSD or perceived life-or-death situations), can have negative consequences.
Embracing & Redefining Failure
We live in a world driven by success and achievement, the mere mention of failure often invokes feelings of disappointment and inadequacy. However, a paradigm shift is underway, encouraging individuals to think of failure in a positive light. This transformative approach is not about celebrating mistakes, but rather about extracting valuable lessons and fostering personal growth.
Embracing the Power of Consistency in Your Fitness Routine
The secret formula for a healthier life - consistency in your fitness routine!
Elevate Your Healthy Lifestyle: 10 Habits for a Thriving Life Beyond the Gym
At Findlay Movement, we believe that true health and fitness extends beyond gym walls. I’m excited to share ten healthy habits you can embrace outside of the gym to elevate your overall well-being. Let's dive in!
Pride & Fitness: then and now
There is one reason in particular as to why LGBTQ+ people could benefit from this type of fitness, in addition to the supportive community, the spiritual empowerment, and the access to spaces from which we are typically blocked…
Alcohol Effects
“Alcohol is the only drug where if you don’t do it, people think you have the problem.”
Alcohol is a squirrely topic. What I mean by that is it’s not something people like to discuss with me as a health practitioner or coach. This is why I feel the need to make it clear to you as the reader that I am not demonizing you for drinking and I’m not demonizing alcohol itself. For one that would be hypocritical of me, I do drink. I’m also not here to be authoritative and hyper critical of your life choices in hopes to eradicate them. That's dogma not science. I am someone who loves to research, it’s an actual hobby of mine and a requirement for my job.
Magnesium Is Super Duper Important For You
Magnesium is super duper important for you. While I don’t see myself giving a TedTalk with that title, it sums it up nicely and I absolutely could DO a TedTalk on Magnesium.
How To Leverage More "Self Time" For Yourself From Your Boss.
I incorporate my fitness into the work day. Not before, not after, I include it into my work hours because that's what it is, it's work. Not just because it's my line of work but because it's Self-work, just like it is for you; it's a requirement to be healthy after all. We are the most productive, creative, intuitive, joyful, empathetic etc. version of ourselves when we are cared for.
Mental Health Is Just Health
What we eat, if we move, how well we sleep, who/what we spend our time with/on, and what we tell ourselves all contributes to our Health. You cannot be healthy without all of those issues being addressed. The mental side of health has been neglected and we are now suffering the consequences of that as a society. But ultimately it's just been our Health that we have been neglecting.
#Handcare Is #Selfcare
Today we want to touch on the topic of hand tears. They suck. They’re painful, they bleed and most importantly, they limit us from training. While sometimes they may be unavoidable, that’s often not the case. Let’s first address the "why."
The Six-Week Training Cycle
Findlay Movement is not just a gym, it’s a school of fitness. Not only do we mentor and train professional coaches, but we also teach fitness to our members so they can effectively train in a group setting under the watchful eye of a professional coach. Fitness is incredibly important because in order to be fit you must first be healthy.
What about Supplements?
Are you wondering if your supplement is doing anything for you? Or which ones to take? Let us help.
A New Kind of Healthcare
A Holistic Health Practitioner is a health professional who is looks at health as something you create with lifestyle, nutritional and movement focuses.
Grip Strength, Could Be a Life Saver:
What if I told you that grip strength has one of the strongest correlations to longer life-expectancy of any metric, and should be one of the most important areas to focus on for overall fitness?
Action Goals vs Avoidance Goals.
When we think about our nutrition and diets, our approach often focuses on what we "shouldn't" be eating or what we should be avoiding or depriving.
Consistency is Key
Just because we are busy or going on vacation we shouldn't give up on our fitness routine but we should be realistic about our level of intensity as well as how much we can do under current circumstances.